• Reorganized all the code, again, when I converted to MPW.
• The cursor changes to an I-beam when over editable text.
• The “frames” text after the number of frames in the header edit dialog was removed.
• Compressed sound data is decompressed and drawn.
• A faster method of drawing the sound data was implemented.
• Removed the spinning cursor because it didn’t have much use anymore.
• You can click on the sound data and select portions of it. The loop is automatically selected upon opening.
• You can do some limited editing of the selected. The delete key will remove the selection from the sound.
• Added Effects menu, but it only has two effects as of now.
• Added Set Loop, Clear Loop, and Select Loop to the Edit menu.
• The window does not change size to fit the size of the sound. It now works the other way around.
• When playing a buffer’s loop, a slightly different dialog appears with a Finish Loop button in it. Finish Loop stops repeating the loop and plays the data after the loop. It is not perfect yet, because you have to click Stop Playing to make the dialog go away. (If you’re interested, it does this because Finish Loop simply issues a restCmd with a duration of 32767.)
• Rewrote the code used for key targets so it is cleaner and works better.
• Shift-tabbing will go to the previous key target.
• Fixed bug with decompression and changing header types at the same time. No more crashes!
• Added messages when compressing and decompressing a sound so you can tell what’s happening
Version 2.0a4 Changes:
• Added ability to compress and expand sounds.
• Added ability to convert between header types.
• The synthesizer editor now works without bombing. This was due to the fact that I inadvertantly left out the synthesizer menu in 2.0a3. I’m really sorry for all the problems that caused.
• Added the Auto Convert command. It will convert a Format 2 sound to Format 1 and vice versa automatically. (Thanks to Donald Hayward for the idea.)
• The arrow keys now work completely correctly.
• The invalid header types and compression methods in the header edit dialog are grayed out.
• You can open sounds with “bad loops” without resetting them.
• Compressed sounds are completely supported now.
• The Compression menu was added to the header edit dialog.
• Changed the Init Options menu to support the different MACE (Macintosh Audio Compression and Expansion) options.
• Removed the 22kHz Sound option from the Init Options menu because it is not supported in System 7.
• Added divider line in the synthesizer editor dialog.
• All the divider lines now show up as gray in color mode.
• The editor version is shown in the main editor window in the bottom right corner.
Version 2.0a3 changes:
• The set of commands was reduced in accordance with the Sound Manager chapter of Inside Macintosh VI.
• Changed NoteCmd to freqDurationCmd.
• FreqDurationCmds and freqCmds no longer have the choice of using actual frequencies, because this is not (and was never!) supported.
• Changed the popup menus to look better and be more understandable.
• The editor distinguishes between having the command list and and edit text item as the keyboard target (where any typing goes). When the list is the target, it is outlined. You can use the arrow keys to move the selection around.
• You can select the initialization options for the synthesizer from a popup menu. It also appears in the main window for a reInitCmd.
• Extended sound headers are supported. They are checked and drawn correctly, even for multi-channel sounds.
• The sound header editor dialog is greatly improved. Unfortunately, you cannot convert between header types yet.
• The standard sample rates are shown in kHz, and not Hz. These are 5 kHz, 7 kHz, 11 kHz, 22 kHz, and 44 kHz. Many sample rates are only approximately these values, so they are displayed in Hz.
• You can change the scale on the buffer editor with the Zoom In and Zoom Out commands.
• An animated cursor spins when drawing the buffer offscreen.
• The Edit menu items are changed according to the current keyboard target.
Version 2.0a2 changes:
• A buffer editor window can be resized and scrolled.
• You can now edit a buffer’s sample rate correctly.
• Hopefully some of the problems with multiple monitors are fixed.
• The Command menu was changed slightly.
• Some minor bugs are fixed.
• The main editor window is resized.
Version 2.0a1 Changes:
• Completey reorganized the code.
• Plays the sounds asynchronously with a dialog.
• The first synthesizer in a sound can be edited with the “Edit Synth…” menu command.
• “Revert This Resource” updates the window correctly.
• Removed “Try Selection” from the menu. I don’t think I would use it enough for me to take the time to write it. If you would like to see it in a later version, just tell me.
• “Open Buffer” opens up a subeditor that displays a graphic view of the buffer, including all information in the sound header. You cannot edit the actual sound data yet.
• When there is a sound error, some sort of message will be displayed.
• All the menus are updated correctly.
• When the sound is opened it is verified. You will be notified of any problems, and some of them can be fixed.
• The Note Type popup menu works correctly, but I can’t seem to get the actual frequency notes to play right for some reason.
• FreqCmds are now edited correctly, with a Note Type popup menu.
• Double clicking on a command that uses a buffer (bufferCmd, soundCmd, etc.) will open a subeditor window.